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USU Junior Championship March'2002

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C. Ball in a Dream

Time limit: 1.0 second
Memory limit: 64 MB
A little boy likes throwing balls in his dreams. He stands on the endless horizontal plane and throws a ball at an angle of a degrees to the plane. The starting speed of the ball is V m/s. The ball flies some distance, falls down, then jumps off, flies again, falls again, and so on.
As far as everything may happen in a dream, the laws of the ball's motion differ from the usual laws of physics:
  • the ball moves in the gravity field with acceleration of gravity equal to 10 m/s2;
  • the rebound angle equals the angle of fall;
  • after every fall, the kinetic energy of the ball decreases by a factor of K;
  • there is no air in the dream;
  • "Pi" equals to 3.1415926535.
Your task is to determine the maximal distance from the point of throwing that the ball can fly.


The input contains three numbers: 0 ≤ V ≤ 500000, 0 ≤ a ≤ 90, and K > 1 separated by spaces. The numbers V and a are integers; the number K is real.


The output should contain the required distance in meters rounded to two fractional digits.


5 15 2.50
Problem Author: Igor Goldberg
Problem Source: Fifth High School Children Programming Contest, Ekaterinburg, March 02, 2002
To submit the solution for this problem go to the Problem set: 1192. Ball in a Dream