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Discussion of Problem 1057. Amount of Degrees

WOW! How did all of you solve this problem so that it doesn't go out of the time limit?
Posted by Algorist 7 Oct 2001 02:01
Re: WOW! How did all of you solve this problem so that it doesn't go out of the time limit?
Posted by Lalescu Liviu 7 Oct 2001 13:24
I have a nice solution. I guess I am not allowed to put it
here (if I am, tell me please). If you want it, e-mail me
at LalescuLiviu@xnet.ro
Re: WOW! How did all of you solve this problem so that it doesn't go out of the time limit?
Posted by Marat Bakirov 8 Oct 2001 19:39
Well, you can post your solution, I won't delete your
message, But I will be angry about it :)

I think you'd better share your ideas, and not sources.
Re: WOW! How did all of you solve this problem so that it doesn't go out of the time limit?
Posted by carol_m1 22 Jun 2003 14:12
> I have a nice solution. I guess I am not allowed to put it
> here (if I am, tell me please). If you want it, e-mail me
> at LalescuLiviu@xnet.ro
please show your idea
Re: WOW! How did all of you solve this problem so that it doesn't go out of the time limit?
Posted by erik 6 Aug 2003 18:26
I have a function gen(n) which generates the n:th integer, which
written in base b has exactly k ones and the rest zeros.

Then, using that function, I do a binary search to find the least a
such that gen(a)>=x and the least b such that gen(b)>=y+1.

The answer is then b-a.