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Discussion of Problem 1008. Image Encoding

Is the sample input correct??? Help me!!!
Posted by Ivo 28 May 2001 01:02
Isn't the first point in the first type of encoding same as
in the second encoding type? (but if you look in the text
it says that the second type of encoding starts
withh "lowest left" which in the example means not [2,3] but
Viet Nam Vo Dich
Posted by Nguyen Duc Minh 29 May 2001 14:03
You are right.
Viet Nam Vo Dich <= yes, that's right :D
Posted by Dinh Quang Hiep (mg9h@yahoo.com) 29 May 2001 18:40
What do you mean? I am right about what? About that in..
Posted by Ivo 30 May 2001 00:45
both encoding the first point are the same or that the
input is wrong.
Thanks for replying to my question!
Tong Hop Vo Dich, do you know that ? (+)
Posted by Dinh Quang Hiep (mg9h@yahoo.com) 30 May 2001 02:49
just some wrong with the description, it must be "lower
leftmost black pixel" !

Good luck!

No HNAms Vo Dich
Posted by Nguyen Duc Minh 30 May 2001 21:49
HNAms Vo Dich <= yeah, that's right, but it's Vo Dich in HN team, but Tong Hop Vo Dich in the whole VietNam :)
Posted by Dinh Quang Hiep (mg9h@yahoo.com) 30 May 2001 22:10