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Обсуждение задачи 1038. Проверка орфографии

Is input conteined only one line?
Послано Valentin Mihov 15 апр 2001 19:49
Re: Is input conteined only one line?
Послано Krzysztof Kapuscik 15 апр 2001 20:27
No the input can be split between several lines. My method
is to read it using getchar and to use two flags
sequence_start and word_start.
Good luck.
He's right
Послано Marat Bakirov 17 апр 2001 17:30
I mean input can really be split into several lines
Послано Marat Bakirov 17 апр 2001 18:49
Re:Re: Is input conteined only one line?
Послано Valentin Mihov 18 апр 2001 10:55
> No the input can be split between several lines. My
> is to read it using getchar and to use two flags
> sequence_start and word_start.
> Good luck.
I can't understand what exactly you mean, but can you tell
me what I should do if I use Pascal? Can I use EOF?
I am not sure too, but I think check for eof will work. Anyhow, just try it at home! You can make your sample input, You can also simulate judge by running your_program.exe < your_input.txt
Послано Marat Bakirov 18 апр 2001 18:22
Yes, but if I use eof I must press Clt+Z at the end of the input, if I don't the program will continue to read the input
Послано Valentin Mihov 19 апр 2001 11:19