вернуться в форумWhat's wrong with my code? (Pascal) var j,i,n:longint; m:array of real; begin n:=1; while not seekeof do begin read(j); SetLength(m,n); m[n]:=sqrt(j); inc(n); end; for i:=n to 1 do writeln(m[i]:0:4); end. Re: What's wrong with my code? (Pascal) Послано Zteeks 18 дек 2016 03:27 1. chek type of j. You may have input = 10^18, but max in longint ≈ 2*10^9. 2. Write size of array. 2. Don't know what this is: SetLength(m,n); delete this nah) 3. for i:=n to 1 do |=> for i:=n downto 1 do 4. Chek why for this input: 9. your output is 0.0000 3.0000 little change your programm and get AC)) Edited by author 18.12.2016 03:29 Re: What's wrong with my code? (Pascal) AC now, thank you Re: What's wrong with my code? (Pascal) Послано Zteeks 20 дек 2016 02:59 =)) |