back to boardWA 12 What's wrong in my code? < #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int main() { int i,h,w,n,tmp; int curLen = 0, curNumStr = 0; char s[105]; scanf("%d%d%d\n",&h,&w,&n); for(i = 0; i < n; i ++) { gets(s); //scanf("%s",s); tmp = strlen(s); if(curLen) curLen += 1 + tmp; else curLen += tmp; if(curLen / w){ curNumStr += curLen / w; if(curLen % w) curLen = tmp; else curLen = 0; } } if(curLen) curNumStr ++;
tmp = curNumStr / h; if(curNumStr % h) tmp ++; printf("%d",tmp); return 0; } > Re: WA 12 What's wrong with my code too? h,w,n=map(int,input().split()) a=[] for i in range(n): a.append(input()) lines=0 pag=0 while len(a)>0: if len(a)!=1: length=-1 while length<w: length+=len(a[0])+1 b=a[0] a.remove(a[0]) if length>w: a.reverse() a.append(b) a.reverse() lines+=1 else: lines+=1 a.remove(a[0])
if lines%h==0: pag=lines//h else: pag=lines//h+1 print(pag)
Edited by author 27.09.2017 21:28 Re: WA 12 Do you mean, why RE#12? Re: WA 12 You are removing a[0], not element with index 0 So if there are several elements having the same value as a[0] they would be removed together with a[0] So they would be not processed Also I strongly recommend you not to store the entire input but process data just in time Re: WA 12 I understand, thanks Edited by author 27.09.2017 22:28 |