back to boardWA #3 If you got ac can you test my program: thanks in advance program N1007; const Max=3002; VAR c:char; N,i,j,M,S,L,k,q:integer; W:array[1..Max] of array[0..2001] of byte; D:array[0..2001] of byte; begin Readln(N);i:=0;j:=1; Repeat if j<>0 then inc(i); j:=0; while not eoln(input) do begin read(c); if c in ['0','1'] then begin inc(j); W[i][j]:=ord(c)-48; end; end; if j<>0 then W[I][0]:=J; readln; Until eof(input); m:=i; //if (m=2001)and(n=500) then m:=m div (i-i); for i:=1 to M do begin S:=0; L:= W[i][0]; for j:=1 to L do if W[i][j]=1 then S:=S+j; if (L=N) then begin j:=0; while (S-j*W[i][j]) mod (N+1) <>0 do inc(j); if j<>0 then W[i][j]:=0; for q:=1 to L do write(W[i][q]); writeln; end; if (L<N) then begin k:=0; for j:=L downto 1 do begin if W[i][j]=1 then inc(k); D[j]:=k; end; j:=1; while (((S+D[j]) mod (N+1) <>0) and ((S+D[j]+j) mod (N+1) <>0))and(j<=L) do inc(j); if (S+D[j]) mod (N+1) =0 then k:=0 else k:=1; for q:=1 to j-1 do write(W[i][q]); write(k); for q:=j to L do write(W[i][q]); writeln; end; if (L>N) then begin k:=0; for j:=L downto 1 do begin D[j]:=k; if W[i][j]=1 then inc(k); end; j:=1; while (((S-D[j]-j*W[i][j]) mod (N+1) <>0) )and(j<L) do inc(j); for q:=1 to j-1 do write(W[i][q]);
for q:=j+1 to L do write(W[i][q]); writeln; end; end; Readln; end. Edited by author 19.11.2010 00:03 Re: WA #3 It was very stupid error: I used: W:array[1..Max] of array[0..2001] of byte; for storing code words (array[1..2001] of byte;) and zero element of same array for lenght of code word. But max length could be great than byte I change byte to integer and got AC. This example shows how not to write programs! )) |