вернуться в форумI have an O(1) way to find the answer. just put all the numbers in a array of boolean. var n,i,caint:longint; b:array[-100000..100000]of boolean; begin readln(n); fillchar(b,sizeof(b),false); for i := 1 to n do begin readln(caint); b[caint]:=true; end; readln(n); for i := 1 to n do begin readln(caint); if b[10000-caint] then begin writeln('YES'); halt; end; end; writeln('NO'); end. Edited by author 10.09.2009 08:34 Re: I have an O(1) way to find the answer. I think it is O(n2) Re: I have an O(1) way to find the answer. It is O(n), not O(1) And there's another O(n) solution for this problem, which requires only O(n) memory instead of O(v) in your case, where v is max value of a_i. Re: I have an O(1) way to find the answer. Yes , SkidanovAlex right. O(n). Re: I have an O(1) way to find the answer. thanks |