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Discussion of Problem 1001. Reverse Root

How to learn that an input stream has ended and it is possible to deduce result???
Posted by ErOPb|4 8 Jul 2008 23:54
Re: How to learn that an input stream has ended and it is possible to deduce result???
Re: How to learn that an input stream has ended and it is possible to deduce result???
Posted by ErOPb|4 10 Jul 2008 00:46
What is RTFM? I the beginning programmer and I know only one language... It is Pascal
Re: How to learn that an input stream has ended and it is possible to deduce result???
RTFM = Read The F...ing Manuals =)
Read the FAQ - there you'll find out how to learn that an input stream has ended (in pascal these are the functions eof/eoln/seekeof/seekeoln)
Re: How to learn that an input stream has ended and it is possible to deduce result???
Posted by ErOPb|4 10 Jul 2008 11:53
I know this functions. All of them are intended for work with files! But my program should not use files, and should read from the keyboard and show on display... Or for this problem there is an exception?
Re: How to learn that an input stream has ended and it is possible to deduce result???
Posted by Jim 10 Jul 2008 14:35
Read in the FAQS :
How to write Pascal solutions
Re: How to learn that an input stream has ended and it is possible to deduce result???
You are not right. These functions are intended to work not with files, but with input/output streams instead, which you can connect with keyboard/monitor. RTFM =)
Re: How to learn that an input stream has ended and it is possible to deduce result???
Posted by crazy little chicken 15 Jul 2008 17:36
while not eof do begin ... end;