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Обсуждение задачи 1006. Квадратные рамки

How i can enter input.
Послано Valery 15 сен 2007 00:07
please help me.
I write program,but I can not test it, because I dont know how to enter a test.
Re: How i can enter input.
Послано Alias (Alexander Prudaev) 15 сен 2007 00:25
for i := 1 to n do readln(s[i]);
Re: How i can enter input.
Послано Alias (Alexander Prudaev) 15 сен 2007 00:28
use standart windows notepad
when you press CTRL you can can use numpad
to enter ASCII Codes of symbols
open notepad:

press ALT
press 2 on numpad (digit keyboard on rigth side of keyboard)
press 1
press 8
release ALT

and you see

Edited by author 15.09.2007 00:29
Re: How i can enter input.
Послано Sean38 8 дек 2007 17:29
This is the sample input:(just copy it and look it in DOS)

Edited by author 08.12.2007 17:30

Edited by author 08.12.2007 17:30
Re: How i can enter input.
Послано Alias (Alexander Prudaev) 8 дек 2007 19:53
by the way you can use font "lucida console" or "terminal"
Re: How i can enter input.
Послано Daniel Mahu 4 апр 2009 22:42
I use #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE in C and read the input in the same format as the output should look like, then draw the squares with C code in my program - makes testing much easier.
Re: How i can enter input.
Послано Vovka1 28 апр 2015 07:05
Set you console encoding 1252 before input(c++ : system("chcp 1252");)
Copy past below.
Do not change encoding of browser (it should be UTF-8), other way it  convert to 2 byte sequence.
You can try to copy this to standard windows notepad.
If using Notepad++, set encoding to UTF8 before paste. Should work.


Additional input:

Edited by author 28.04.2015 07:40