вернуться в форумTask described wrong! Послано TimoX 17 авг 2007 02:30 I thing, that my program solve this task! But wrong Test#4. What I hadn't read? Sum of all thing must be 100 00? I don't know... [или я просто не фтыкаю информатику ;)] ==== SOURSE ==== Var cur,last:longint; i,n:longint; s:string; f:boolean; Begin readln(n); readln(s); last:=GetProc(s); sum:=0; f:=false; for i:=2 to n do Begin readln(s); cur:=GetProc(s); if (last>=cur) then cur:=last else Begin f:=true; cur:=last; End; End; if f then writeln('NO') else writeln('YES'); End. *** GetProc - returne procent of thing. |