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Discussion of Problem 1001. Reverse Root

My problem:Crash (access violation) test6
Posted by siyuan503 16 Aug 2007 19:21
  Although I tried so many times,it showed Crash (access violation) test6.
  Who can tell me why,thanks.
  My mainly code:

main ()
 int n=0,i;
 double a, b[100];
 {  b[n]=sqrt(a);  n++;}
Re: My problem:Crash (access violation) test6
Posted by CHIDEMYAN SERGEY 16 Aug 2007 19:45
Array of 100 elements doesn't enough.Create a dynamic array of 8000000 elements.Just do
double *b=new double[8000000];
Good luck!

Edited by author 16.08.2007 19:46

Edited by author 16.08.2007 19:47

Edited by author 16.08.2007 19:47

Edited by author 16.08.2007 19:50
Re: My problem:Crash (access violation) test6
Posted by siyuan503 16 Aug 2007 20:11
Sorry,my problem is "double *b=new double[8000000];"seems not available in C!
Re: My problem:Crash (access violation) test6
Posted by siyuan503 16 Aug 2007 20:16
if i write double[8000000]in C,it say overflow!
i will mad!
if this problem can't be achieved by C!
Re: My problem:Crash (access violation) test6
Posted by CHIDEMYAN SERGEY 17 Aug 2007 18:33
Ok.I'm don't well on C enough.Just do:
main ()
int n=0,i;
double a;
double *b=new double[8000000];
{ b[n]=sqrt(a); n++;}
return 0;
and you'll get AC on C++.

Edited by author 17.08.2007 18:33
Re: My problem:Crash (access violation) test6
Posted by siyuan503 24 Aug 2007 20:38
Thank you very much!
I will try it again.