вернуться в форумO::Could you help me?Thank a lot. This is mine. Program 1078; Var p,t,max,x,p1,y,i,j,n:integer; a,b,c:array [0..500] of integer; Procedure Qsort(x,y:integer); Var p:integer; Begin p:=random(y-x+1)+x; a[0]:=a[p];b[0]:=b[p];c[0]:=c[p]; a[p]:=a[x];b[p]:=b[x];c[p]:=c[x]; i:=x;j:=y; While i<j do Begin While (i<j) and ((b[j]>b[0]) or ((b[j]=b[0]) and (a[j]<=a[0]))) do dec(j); a[i]:=a[j];b[i]:=b[j];c[i]:=c[j]; While (i<j) and ((b[i]<b[0]) or ((b[i]=b[0]) and (a[i]>=a[0]))) do inc(i); a[j]:=a[i];b[j]:=b[i];c[j]:=c[i]; End; a[i]:=a[0];b[i]:=b[0];c[i]:=c[0]; If (i+1<y) then Qsort(i+1,y); If (x<i-1) then Qsort(x,i-1); End;{Qsort} Begin randomize; readln(n); For i:=1 to n do Begin readln(a[i],b[i]); If a[i]>b[i] then Begin p:=a[i]; a[i]:=b[i]; b[i]:=p; End; c[i]:=i; End; Qsort(1,n); max:=0; For i:=1 to n-1 do Begin p:=1;p1:=i; For j:=2 to n do Begin If (b[j]>b[p1]) and (a[j]<a[p1]) then Begin p1:=j;inc(p); End; End; If p>max then Begin max:=p;t:=i; End; End; writeln(max);p:=t; For i:=t+1 to n do Begin If (b[i]>b[p]) and (a[i]<a[p]) then Begin write(c[p],' ');p:=i; End; End; writeln(c[p]); End. Could you please give me some tests? I'll buy much ice-cream to you. Thanks very much. |