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Обсуждение задачи 1000. A+B Problem

Problem definition is unclear ;) (+)
Послано Dmitry 'Diman_YES' Kovalioff 26 авг 2005 16:20
It might look stupid of course, but nevertheless no input variables ranges or even types (integer/float) are defined. This problem is the first one any programmer solves here, and I think its definition should be as clear as possible.
Re: Problem definition is unclear ;)
Послано Vladimir Yakovlev (USU) 26 авг 2005 21:41
There is a solution of 1000 in the F.A.Q. New authors should look through the F.A.Q. before solving problems.
I doubt everyone read FAQ first. Anyway why not to fix the definition - is it too difficult? (-)
Послано Dmitry 'Diman_YES' Kovalioff 27 авг 2005 00:53
I tested variables.They are in byte not integer
Послано Nurbek 12 янв 2006 05:51
Re: I tested variables.They are in byte not integer
Послано [SSAU_#617]snipious aka Pimenov Sergey Nikolaevich 8 янв 2007 17:46
But when I use shortint, I get WA#2!!!