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Обсуждение задачи 1051. Простая игра на сетке

I cannot understand what is going on!
Послано Иксанов Семён Александрович 8 окт 2004 13:09
Please tell me how stones jump, and what happens if there is another stone. Can I jump over two stones in one grid?
Re: I cannot understand what is going on!
Послано Vlad Veselov [PMG17, Vinnitsa - KNU, Kiev] 8 окт 2004 16:07
Stone situated in grid (a;b), then it can move to grid (a+2;b) if it is empty and if there is stone in (a+1;b), stone in (a+1;b) will be taken away;it can move to grid (a;b+2) if it is empty and if there is stone in (a;b+1), stone in (a;b+1) will be taken away; and so on...
P.S. My poor, poor English...
Re: I cannot understand what is going on!
Послано davidsun 10 апр 2007 14:45
Your understanding is right... But the discription of the problem is not clear enough. I really can't understand at first.
Re: I cannot understand what is going on!
Послано S.77 3 авг 2011 04:05
Emm.. is the rectangle solid? That's not clear.