back to boardWhy I got Output Limit? What does it mean? My program: var x,y,x1,y1,k:longint; a,b:array [1..10000] of integer; procedure init; begin read(x,y); x1:=x; y1:=y; end; procedure work; var flag,flag1:boolean; k1,k2,k3,i:longint; begin k:=1; repeat x1:=x; y1:=y; inc(k); if k>=x then writeln('No solution'); k1:=0; k2:=0; repeat inc(k1); a[k1]:=x1 mod k; x1:=x1 div k; until x1=0; repeat inc(k2); b[k2]:=y1 mod k; y1:=y1 div k; until y1=0; k3:=1; for i:=1 to k2 do repeat flag1:=false; if b[i]=a[k3] then begin flag1:=true; b[i]:=-1;end; inc(k3); until (flag1)or(k3>=k1); flag:=true; for i:=1 to k2 do if b[i]<>-1 then flag:=false; until flag; end; procedure print; begin writeln(k); end; begin init; work; print; end. How many times do you write 'No solution' if there is no solution? Write if k>=x then begin writeln('No solution'); halt; end; instead if k>=x then writeln('No solution'); and you'll get WA5 instead OLE3. |